Think ‘outside the [corrugated] box’

Remember the days of childhood, when a chance nab of a large empty furniture or appliance box became a playhouse, a castle, or a pretend car? Or when we stacked lots of big boxes of various sizes to make different rooms? Some of you may even remember a company designing a Gemini space capsule out of cardboard for millions of American kids wowed by a fledgling space program called NASA.

Corrugated’s long-heralded qualities of durability and strength make it an extremely popular and smart choice for shipping and storage.

But scores of “thinking outside the box” entrepreneurs have begun exploiting this versatile material for thousands of applications, many of them incredibly creative and utilitarian – and profitable.

Check out websites like Pinterest and LifeHack, which are rife with amazing ways people are putting corrugated to inventive uses. Its applications in works of art are eye-popping and nearly endless. One artist is even recreating art masterpiece paintings out of corrugated cardboard. Want more?

  • Fashioning recycled corrugated into earth-friendly packaging for anything from gift boxes and consumables like fresh cookies.
  • Toys like sailboats, playhouses, musical instruments like drums and guitars. Even apparel!
  • Furnishings. The level of innovation in this area is staggering – everything from lamp shades, picture frames and shadow boxes, chairs and shelving to complete bedrooms. The American Institute of Architecture Students and the International Corrugated Packaging Foundation has actually hosted a corrugated board chair design competition.
  • Toilets and coffins. Yes, Japanese entrepreneurs have created completely functioning ones.
  • Weed barriers and forms for building raised gardens and compost.
  • Cardboard has been used for temporary housing in disasters. Some clever folks are actually designing bridges and small modular cardboard homes said to stand the test of time for 100 years or more, according to TreeHugger.

Corrbox designers are always thinking outside the box with innovative ideas for customized corrugated. Contact us today or call (949) 248-5880 today with your project or new idea.

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