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Got Cardboard? Artists Hobbyists Limited Only By Their Imaginations

Got Cardboard? Artists Hobbyists Limited Only By Their Imaginations

The versatility of corrugated cardboard continues to astound. And it shows how blithely we all toss cardboard into the recycling bin, or worse, a trash can, without imagining how amazing this material really is.

To the novice, this popular packaging material is simply stiff, brown, heavy paper most well-suited as a shipping container, file box or book cover.

But consider the following …


Much like origamists of old, artists are now using both the liner and flute components to craft amazing sculptures, as reported by the website Upcyclist, a self-described “place where artistry meets sustainability.” Among those profiled: a New York artist who fashions incredibly lifelike and anatomically accurate sculptures of townsfolk from a Chinese village his ancestors called home; a British artist who recreates scenes inspired by the Bible and classical mythology; or a Parisiam painter and illustrator who recreates scenes from everyday life out of near microscopic shreds of corrugated – all positioned inside cardboard toilet paper rolls.


Pinterest is a veritable goldmine chronically literally thousands of things people all over the world have repurposed cardboard with – from puppet theaters, Matchbox® car tracks, playhouses and obstacle courses to nearly endless kinds of home office organization ideas.


Musicians have also discovered the remarkable sound dampening qualities of corrugated. Specially designed 7-foot-tall soundproof cardboard boxes are being used as personal recording studios, home office refuge, private “jam” spaces, and more recently, just a place to escape and vent, as in screaming, according to the website Gizmodo. The site reports that a cardboard honeycomb inner layer can dampen sounds by as much as 30 decibels. The boxes sell for about $1,500.


Many places across the country now host racing events whose enthusiasts fashion boats out of cardboard. As the Post-Star in Glen Falls, NY, recently reported, an annual cardboard boat race along the Hudson River features nautical human-powered creations fashioned out of carboard and other recycled materials. Across the continent in southern California, the annual Annenberg Community Beach House’s annual Cardboard Yacht Regatta draws big crowds, reports KNBC, Los Angeles. No word yet how long the boats remain seaworthy.

Is the artist in you screaming to be heard? Corrbox makes lots of creations out of this incredibly versatile material. Brainstorm your ideas today with our design staff to bring your artistic visions to life. Call (877) 267-7269.

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